An email funnel is a marketing term for the representation of an email subscriber journey from a prospective lead to a customer through an email series including educational and promotional communications. By identifying the subscribers needs, marketers are able to send the right messages by emails and move the subscriber along the journey towards becoming a customer.
How does Email Funnels Work?
Email funnels turn subscribers into customers by using specific strategies that sell products or services. We’ll get into those strategies in a minute, but first, take a look at the return businesses are seeing on their email funnels:
For every $1 spent, email has an average ROI of $38
Segmented campaigns can reach a 760% increase in revenue
Compared to Facebook or Twitter, email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers
The number of emails you use in your funnel is going to depend on what you’re selling, but generally you’ll use a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 7. If your subscriber hasn’t converted by your seventh email about this offer, then you don’t want to keep bombarding them with it.
When you’re putting together your email funnel, you’re going to be highly focused on the copy you use. There are 4 emotional triggers to use in your email funnels:
Gain: What does the subscriber gain by buying the product/service?
Logic: Why does buying the product/service make total sense for them?
Fear: What happens if they don’t buy the product/service?
Scarcity: How long do they have to choose to buy this specific product/service?
Each email is going to follow a similar template:
Introduction: Give a warm introduction to what you’re about to talk about (you wouldn’t walk up to somebody and start talking without at least saying a few introductory words first)
Body: Use gain, logic, fear, and/or scarcity to show them why this offers matters to them NOW
Close: Craft a clear call to action
P.S. (Not always used): Add in extra gain, logic, fear, or scarcity
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