Marketing Alliance Founder
Declan Mc fell into the world of Internet Marketing without really knowing what he was getting himself into .
He originally came from the food and beverage industry and taxi industry having worked as a supermarket manager, a taxi driver and a pub owner.
One day he finally came to realize there had to be more to life than just working . Those careers served him well but he was constantly on the go and had little
time to see his young family .
With literally zero experience and being a self-confessed technophobe , he immersed himself into the world of internet marketing .
He sought out a coach to show him the ropes help him further avoid the pitfalls , scams and massive mistakes so many fall victim to .
Today Declan Mc runs a highly successful internet business, a critically acclaimed marketing event business, has generated hundreds of thousands of dollars for himself,
his partners and clients but more importantly he now has the time to enjoy it all with his wife and kids .
Declan Mc hails from Dublin, Ireland and when he’s not helping you launch your product or grow your online businesses more than likely relaxing with him family
or watching his beloved football teams .
Very much a ‘People’s’ Person , Declan knows how to make business connections and friendships which has helped he to become one
of the most sought after ‘go to guys’ in Internet Marketing ..